I am so excited to have been given my job back but WHERE is my contract? I hate waiting and I feel like I've done enough waiting. I want to get started on my lesson plans so that I am not far behind like I was last year.
I need clean house to come to my house! I try so hard to get things organized and end up making a bigger mess or needing something that we can't afford right now. Which leads me to my next rant and that is I hate being poor. I know most of you are thinking poor you have a roof over your head, food, etc. but I have a fantastic full time job and I need to take another one so that I can pay my bills, AND have some fun money. My second job isn't going as planned so I think that it is time to retire from babysitting. I have been babysitting since I was 11 years old and my VERY first babysitting gig the "baby" has graduated college and has a big girl job. (I'm very proud of my cousin!)
I also wish I had been able to get more done with the wedding planning while I was home this summer. I feel so behind and so out of the loop because I have NO clue what's going on! My best friend is home in Savannah and in three days she has gotten her dress, her fiances tux, bridesmaids dresses, cake, etc! I am so jealous so that she has been able to get all this done. I like my wedding planner but seriously I need to know what the heck is going on. I don't even have a location for my wedding, well no contract has been signed! Grr!!!
I am spending the morning cleaning up this house, and trying to get my school supplies organized for next year. I have a junior league social event tonight but honestly I don't know if I'll be able to attend because sadly I can't really afford the drinks, and entrace fee this week. See, being poor sucks! I have to be very frugal right now because as a teacher during the summer months we don't make as much as usually!
Thanks for letting me rant (and give a few raves!)