Wednesday, November 30, 2011
i have an issue
I have an issue because I have so much to type but no time to do it. I promise I will be back soon with lots of information from the NMSC. Thank you for being patient.

Monday, November 14, 2011
and i'm back
well the conference was amazing! i have learned so much and i will begin on posting on things tomorrow. i had two students suspended while i was away so i'm extremely nervous to see what my classroom looks like. i heard they were loud (from my neighbor whos' deaf in one year) and i know that the sub tried to send a bunch of kids to ISS each day. He is known for doing that and well i called to check in. I am giving a vocab quiz tomorrow for my first two classes so we will see how that goes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
national middle school conference 2011
it's past midnight and i'm still packing for the 2011 national middle school conference in kentucky. i can't wait!!! i was able to attend last year's conference in baltimore and loved every second of it. i learned so much and being the nerd i am have already looked up trainings i want to attend. i can't wait. we leave around 6:30 tomorrow morning which means no sleep for me tonight. i am not a morning person so i'm always afraid i'll sleep through my alarm(s). it's a problem i've had since college. anyone planning on attending this fabulous event? i know i have been mia since fall break but getting back into the swing of things after two weeks off is difficult. i loved having the break but starting school back the monday that is also halloween was insane. i am done with volleyball season but now i'm on to yearbook and that's difficult too. i have to hold my yearbook classes after school and well that's not really working for me. how does one create a yearbook once a week after school? i barely have time to plan for my other classes. i wish i could give up a planning period to do this but that is not allowed. i am also trying to get some order in to my house so that my husband and i aren't buried alive under all this clutter. don't call hoarders yet but sometimes it feels like i'm being buried alive. we have a cleaning lady who comes to visit once every other week and don't judge if you knew that cleaning wasn't your thing you'd have one too. we have budgeted for her and i won't give that one up. but with said amazing cleaning lady she tends to stuff things in places (my closet) and so every time i start a project if leticia doesn't stuff the mess (the cleaning i'm doing) somewhere my husband does which then means back to square one. i need a professional organizer but those are definitely not in the budget. okay well now that i have gotten all this off my chest i am going to put my clothes in a suitcase and finish purging some clothes! sweet dreams y'all

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