good morning friends!
i am NOT a morning person and my body has decided that 6 am is our new wake up time! Seriously? I do not have to be at school until 8:50 so I leave my apartment at 8:30 (yes I love my job!) I am hoping this is just a phase because well I don't like it! ha ha....
today is observation day! I am being observed by one of the members of my resident teacher committee. it's not that bad but the woman who is observing me has NO idea what my students, school, job are like. at our last meeting she wanted me to not allow my students to enter the room without a pencil or paper ummmmm TITLE 1 SCHOOL (everyone is broke!) i would have no students in my class for that one.
well i'm off to make use of this early morning time. doing what i can't tell you but something productive!
as a sidenote i've started reading a new MUST read. It's called Broken by Shy Keenan and WOW. I read for an hour last night and could have finished the whole thing last night. You must read but it's very sad. Shy grew up neglected, almost blind & deaf before elementary school due to her repeated beatings by her mom, her stepdad and his friends used her as a sex toy and that's just the first 100 pages.