we lost and sam got hurt again...
not a good day!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fall Break
I have been planning my fall break adventures for months now and of course in true Jen style I get sick! I was planning on going to the big D to see my precious nephew p-diddy and his mom my best friend from the womb em. I was also going to see one of my favorite cousins and spend quality time with her and her peeps and now all that has gone down the drain. I HATE germs! I spend countless hours using clorox wipes in my class and making sure my germy students use the hand sanitizer and I still get sick. I have the world's worst immune system! I will be spending the weekend cleaning up my nasty apartment and hopefully finally getting it finished and ready for my fantastic guest next weekend!!! Which I will have more to blog about soon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
job job job
i have a job!!!
i got almost everything worked out with the okc dept of education!!!
yeah!!! i get wreck havoc in my lovely little 7th graders lives for the next year!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
job update
i got a certified letter yesterday (that the postman didn't deliver) from the OKC public schools.. YIKES!! the post office is closed tomorrow so i must ponder and wait another two days.
i spoke with my principal and he said that we could go down human resources and fight for me. i like that!!! made me feel like i really am an okay teacher...
still freaking out.. still waiting...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
my job..
i got an email today about the fact that i am not a certified teacher therefore my pay is being reduced to sub pay and i only have twenty days to get my sh*t together.
i think that it is not me that needs to get my sh*t together! i am a certified teacher! i went today to the state department during my planning and lunch periods and started the process to become provisionally certified. i worked so hard for this and while each day is a struggle I LOVE MY JOB! my kids are unique human beings and well i will not leave them and they can't have my job. i know things will work out but the first thing i thought of wasn't the pay loss (shocking i know!) but the fact that someone else would get my classroom. i have worked to make my classroom bright and cheerful and to show my students they can achieve anything in life.
do you like your job? is it your dream job? two of my students asked me today if i could go back and change things would i choose another job? i told them the truth it's always been my dream to become a teacher. i come home exhausted and have already been sick once this lovely cold/flu season but it's worth it.
it's also worth it when i'm trying to discipline my class and i can't stop laughing at them. i have a love/hate relationship with my 7th period students. they are loud, obnoxious, out of control, and kind of funny. it doesn't help with the following factors, end of the day, 30 kids, some kids that have temper problems (we've already had one fight) and quite a few immature 7th grade boys. it's been an interesting battle that i am going to win. i was trying to tell my students today about their pre-test they had to take and they were making me laugh too hard. i know i am supposed to be mean, strict, etc but how can i when seriously these kids are hilarious. i mean dudes i have a kid named lincoln abraham! how fantastic is that? he was gone for a few days but he's back now and while he can be annoying at times it's good to have him back. now if i could just get some teaching done in this class i'd be golden!

Friday, October 2, 2009
so apparently i didn't atone enough because i came back from a wonderful worldwind of a trip home to greenville only to get sick!
i have spent the past three days out of work and while you'd think that would be great this is just the beginning of the school year! i am already behind with my students but this just means no surprise pretest on monday. ha ha! i'm an evil teacher i know but we keep switching things around and i HAVE to give them the pretest.
have i mentioned lately i love love love teaching? my kids are trying but i still love love love it! i am so happy that i didn't quit on this dream of mine. i love living in oklahoma (but still miss home!) i have a wonderful new boyfriend and a fantastic new apartment. things are looking up but i'm still poor thank you graduate school. i haven't worked for over two years and have quite a bit to make up for it but it's okay everything works out!

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